Does your current lawn care service simply cut and run? We take pride in doing a thorough job with our residential and commercial customers' lawn care maintenance. We use top notch equipment, including our mulching blades (see example in picture) in order to achieve a fresh cut. We sharpen blades often. We string trim (weedwhack, weedeat) all areas around the building, flowerbeds and sidewalks. Early in the season, we will mechanically edge (with an edger) the sidewalks and maintain a clean edge all summer. We have and continue to invest in a multitude of effective tools that are suited for virtually any property.
Our weekly standard service includes cutting/mulching about 1/3 of the height of the grass, early season edging (and as needed thereafter), string trimming and blowing off the property. There are different schools of thought on what is best for the lawn with regards to mulching vs. bagging, so we ensure that our blades are sharp and effective. Bi-weekly service and bagging of lawn clippings is also available.